Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm extremely happy, the sun beats down on my face,
on my whole body, it feels incredible.
upset.. a little, the last place i want to be is class, 
I'm too warm to be cooped inside.
i want to be out laying in the sun,
i want to run and have nothing holding me back,
no huge fat tests to study for,
i need to be floating on a big ship in the ocean,
 not writing a 10 page paper.
no finals to start thinking about,
thin, my patience is growing for school.
stop eating. and look outside the window,
at the beauty and light that awaits out side 
breathe in the sweet smells of springtime, 
I never thought i would  get to summer.
why did you take so long to come,
you let me be weak enough to let it finally come
take over me again,
let the sunshine fill me with power,
with energy. take over every ounce of my being,
I'm tangled, very tangled in conflicting thoughts,
the spring brings about so many emotions,
excitement for what is to come,
and the gift of patience, till it arrives.
let it be, let it be. its going to happen.
give it time.
embrace it and be happy.